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Sun Keyboard Driver Windows 7 WORK

With more than 22 years experience designing high-quality keyboards, we carefully design, develop, prototype, and study all the essential components of our keyboards, from the core technologies to the comfort and ergonomics of their design.

Sun Keyboard Driver Windows 7


I have a Sun Microsystems Type 7 keyboard that has a set of 11 extra keys on the right hand side, and I would like to be able to program them to do something useful in kubuntu. But when System Settings is waiting for a keypress of the key to program, nothing happens for most of the keys when I press them. The exception is Cut, Copy and Paste: these three I can assign Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+C to, and they work generally in applications (and, when I press them in System Settings, the correct key name is even displayed).

First, I noticed that various Sun keyboards are listed in System Settings/Input Devices/Keyboard/keyboard model. So I chose mine, Type 7, with a UK layout.Then I used xev and noticed that when I press any of the special keys, they are recognised and a keycode, the correct name and a keysym are displayed.Also poking around the various X11 keyboard files it is clear that Sun keyboard support is definitely supposed to be there, at least in X.

The function keys F13 to F23 are not on the keyboard but are in the X system and kubuntu System Settings knows about them, and when they are pressed it allows things to be assigned to them.The setxkbmap line reprograms the right AltGraph key to be a right control key.

I've the following question:I'm trying to enable the SUN specific keys (front, copy,paste, etc.) of a SUN type-6 usb keyboard which isconnected to a windows XP machine. I've already played withmapping of the scan codes in the registry, but i don't knowhow to reach the SUN specific keys. Is it possible to enable these buttons via scan codemapping in the registry or do i have to write a driver? In the 'USB HID to PS/2 Scan Code Translation Table' thePS/2 make and break scan codes for the SUN specific keysare unassigned, is this relevant?

We want to remotely use an application that runs on a SUNworkstionusing a pc with Windows XP. To assure that the user has thesame 'lookand feel' we want to connect an usb type-6 SUN keyboard tothe pc. Ialready found that it is possible to remap keys using theWindowsregistry (Scancode Mapping), but this only works for thestandard keys(the keys for which a PS/2 Scan code exists). The specificSUN keys arenot recognized by the operating system (no PS/2 scancodesexist in thetranslation table) and are neglected. How can we find thescancodes ofthese keys that are sent to the OS and if we know thesescancodes howcan we let the OS use these codes?

>if these sun usages show up in the keyboard top levelcollections and they>are unmapped, kbdhid will not know how to translate themand they will be>thrown away. If you are a device lower filter betweenkbdhid and its PDO,>you could intercept the data being read and do what youwant with it.>>d>

>> I do not know if i'm in the correct newsgroup (if not:sorry).>>>> I've the following question:>>>> I'm trying to enable the SUN specific keys (front, copy,>> paste, etc.) of a SUN type-6 usb keyboard which is>> connected to a windows XP machine. I've already played with>> mapping of the scan codes in the registry, but i don't know>> how to reach the SUN specific keys.>>>> Is it possible to enable these buttons via scan code>> mapping in the registry or do i have to write a driver?>>>> In the 'USB HID to PS/2 Scan Code Translation Table' the>> PS/2 make and break scan codes for the SUN specific keys>> are unassigned, is this relevant?>>>>

for understanding what a PDO is, device lower filter, etc, get the latestDDK from the microsoft website, you will need to pay for shipping andhandling, but otherwise it is free. again, walter's book will be very veryhelpful for you here in explaining these terms and PNP in general.for a HID usage to ps/2 scan code mapping, see for themapping.I am not sure what you mean by remotely use an application that is runningon a SUN workstation. What application / technology is doing the remoting?In all likelihood, no matter what driver you write, this remoting technologywill have to understand they keys you are trying to send it. for instance,there is no concept of a "front" key in windows.

In other words - what is shown in the Device Manager in "devices by connection"mode? Must be the USB hub, then the "HID device" (keyboard), and then the usualkeyboard.Is there any unknown device which is a child of "HID device" and a sibling ofthe usual keyboard?--Maxim Shatskih, Windows DDK MVPStorageCraft

Hotkeys or the volume control keys do not work as expected on your Microsoft keyboard. Some hotkeys may behave as expected, but others do not.You may receive an error message that resembles the following message when you try to start the Human Interface Service:

This issue may occur if there is a problem with the USB connection on your computer. This issue can also occur if a third-party keyboard control utility is running on your computer. Examples of third-party keyboard control utilities are as follows:

Third-party keyboard control utilities are also provided with Acer, Gateway 2000, and Sony Multimedia computers. This issue occurs because the scan codes issued by the keyboard are interpreted differently by each keyboard control utility. This can also be due to having unexpected default or re-defined program assignments for the keys. Many of the default assignments require that you have a specific program installed, or that you are using a supported e-mail program, Internet browser or media player. If you do not have the supported program you can still use the key by reassigning the key.

Connect the keyboard to a different USB port, and then check the behavior of the keyboard. (This method tests for port-specific issues.) Note Bypass any port replicators, USB hubs, KVM switches, and so on. Connect the receiver directly to a port on the computer.

Disable any other keyboard control software installed on this computer and then try reassigning the keys.For more information about how to assign functions to keys, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

237179 Assign macro or function to keys on your keyboardIf the problem persists, remove any keyboard software on your computer. To uninstall any IntelliPoint, Logitech, or other keyboard software, follow these steps:

Use the ARROW keys to locate any keyboard controlling software, press TAB to locate Remove, and then press ENTER. If you have other mouse software installed, you may want to consider uninstalling that software also.

If the issue persists, test the keyboard with a different computer. If the keyboard does not work correctly with the other computer, contact our Order Desktop to obtain a replacement keyboard. To do this, call (800) 360-7561.For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

The IOGEAR GCS22U is a 2-Port USB Cable KVM allows users to share a VGA monitor, a USB mouse, and a USB keyboard between two computers. Users can switch between computers using the wired remote switch button that can be placed on your desk for convenience. It offers an out-of-box solution with no additional cables needed. It supports multiple operating systems including Windows, Sun, and Mac. It is entirely plug-n-play and requires no software to run. It is also powered through the USB bus and thus does not require a power supply to run. It is the ideal KVM for those who want a competitively priced, entry level KVM that will allow them to multitask with two computers at their disposal.

The device remains in the kernel PnP tree and the driver package remains in the driver store. If the PnP manager re-enumerates the device (for example if the device is unplugged and then plugged in again), the PnP manager treats it as a new device instance and installs the driver package from the driver store.

This question is purely to test the water. I remember a good fewyears ago now using a Sun workstation running some old version ofSunOS. One thing I remember about it clearly though is that it had acool keyboard with a whole set of keys down the far left-hand side[1].

b) I've heard various rumours I'd need a sun PC converter to usesuch a keyboard? Some websites say you need one, others don't evenmention it. Some even say you build one, but I don't like the thoughtof this -- I'm a software engineer for a reason; I hate hardware.

I do a lot of teaching for Sun, so I get to see those things all thetime. You are the only person I've ever heard of who has actuallyexpressed a liking for one - they are universally hated and cursed at byall and sundry, since the key layout differs just slightly from thestandard PC variety. Although I suppose that there has to be a group (asizeable one, too) of fans somewhere: Sun has been making thesekeyboards for years and years now, and is usually pretty responsive totheir customers' needs.

To answer your question, all the SPARC keyboards that I've seen in thelast seven or so years have indeed had the same layout - but there areseveral different varieties (e.g., 4, 5, 5C, 6, 7, etc.) However, givenyour stated purpose, the answer is easy: buy one of the new (type 7) USBkeyboards - which work with both SPARCs and PCs. Sample listing on eBay:

Sure - but what would be the point? There would still be a problem ofreadjusting to "normal" keyboards - now even more complicated becausethere would be all those "missing" functions - and the question offiguring out what else a keyboard should do, complicated by the factthat people who design keyboards are professionals who do that exactthing - and they haven't managed to come up with anything else that'suniversally useful. The Sun keyboard has the extra keys *because SPARCmachines have those extra functions that PCs don't.* Adding a polishedgold faucet and a diamond-encrusted soap dish to a car doesn't make itinto a bathtub - it just wastes money, time, and effort. 350c69d7ab


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