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Adventures in Restorative Listening

Public·45 Restorative Listeners


Now you know how to pronounce Mackinac, you know the history of how it came to be and you know why turtles play an important role on Mackinac Island. The next time you visit take a moment, reflect on the history of Mackinac Island and feel how it continues with us today.



"A lot of Americans, when they pronounce it, they put the accent on the second syllable, which is incorrect," said Arabic language professor Reem Shishlakly from the University of Texas, Arlington. "It should go on the first syllable. So it should be CUT-ar, not ka-TAR."

In those experiments, the data suggest truthiness arises because nonprobative information boosts conceptual processing, helping people generate pseudoevidence that supports the claim. But names are decidedly nonprobative, and should not boost the conceptual processing of accompanying claims, nor help people generate pseudoevidence that those claims are true. If easy to pronounce names rapidly led people to say the accompanying claims were true, it would be a novel route to truthiness.

Moreover, Experiment 2 fits with Laham et al. [9], but is not merely a conceptual replication: we discovered a new and interesting route to truthiness [1], [17]. We found that people with easy names confer truthiness on claims relative to people with difficult names. This data pattern demonstrates that the pronounceability of names extends beyond judgments tied to names themselves, and can influence judgments of temporally associated information.

One thing you won't hear too often, at least on U.S. broadcast outlets, is an attempt to pronounce the name of the glacier -- Eyjafjallajokull -- under which the volcano lies and from which it gets its name.

We test for labor market discrimination based on a previously unstudied characteristic: name fluency. Analysis on two recent cohorts of economics PhD job candidates shows that those with difficult-to-pronounce names are less likely to obtain an academic or tenure-track position and are placed at institutions with lower research productivity. Discrimination due to name fluency is also found using experimental data from two prior audit studies. Within a sample of African-American candidates (Bertrand and Mullainathan, 2004) and a sample of ethnic Indian, Pakistani, and Chinese candidates (Oreopoulos, 2011), job applicants with less fluent names have significantly lower callback rates.

mid-14c., pronouncen, "to declare officially, proclaim, announce;" late 14c., "to speak, utter" (words, a language, etc.), "form or articulate with the organs of speech," from Old French prononcier "declare, speak out, pronounce" (late 13c., Modern French prononcer) and directly from Late Latin pronunciare, from Latin pronuntiare "to proclaim, announce; pronounce, utter," from pro "forth, out, in public" (see pro-) + nuntiare "announce," from nuntius "messenger" (from PIE root *neu- "to shout").

With reference to the mode of sounding words or languages, it is attested by 1610s (pronunciation in the related sense is attested from early 15c.). Meaning "make a statement," especially authoritative one (as in pronounce judgment) is from early 15c. Related: Pronounced; pronouncing.

Grown outdoors in about 2 months, endive (pronounced n-dive) shown here on the right, is the more wild member of the family, with deeply-indented disheveled leaves. It is often called curly endive. A tamer looking version is called escarole. Frisee is a smaller variety with fine leaves and a semi-blanched center.

"Adidas" is an abbreviation of its founder Adolf "Adi" Dassler's name. The company was born from a feud between Adolf and his brother Rudolf, who founded Puma. It's pronounced with an emphasis on the first syllable.

Brits typically ignore the "e" when saying "Porsche," whereas Americans tend to pronounce the luxury carmaker's name as its German founder intended, with an audible "e." Porsche bears the name of its founder, Ferdinand Porsche.

To serve as a helpful and quick aid to help non-Chinese speakers pronounce Chinese names, we have created a webpage that provides a simple guide to pronunciation. Chinese is distinct in that it is a tonal language. But the allomorphic feature of tones is not usually marked in alphabetic Romanization of Chinese (called pinyin). Since the user of this guide will likely encounter such unmarked Romanization, we will dismiss tones in transcribing the sounds in pinyin.

This first sound of the Spanish j is velar, which means it is pronounced by lifting the back of the tongue against the soft palate. There is always a narrow opening for the air to come out, resulting in an aspirated sound.

The sounds of the letter j do not vary depending on the position of the letter in the word or syllable. The letter g is pronounced the same way, but only when it comes before the letter e, as in coger(to take), or before the letter i, as in gigante(giant).

There are only a few Spanish words that end in j, and the letter is typically pronounced. However, in informal speech you may hear native speakers drop the j sound. This is the case with the word reloj, which is sometimes pronounced /reló/.

Classical music: learn to pronounce all the Italian termsHappy Easter in different languagesFrench or Italian?Italian poets and Regions of Italy

It is difficult for students not familiar with the names of bacteria to pronounce them. This sound station contains links to sound files of these bacteria. There are other ways to pronounce these bacteria. This is the way I pronounce them when teaching our medical students at ATSU/KCOM*. You say Ser-rah-tee-a and I say Ser-ra-shia. However, if my pronunciation is incorrect I would like to know. Email me ( and tell me how you pronounce the following bacterial names. The volume of some of the sound files maybe low. Please turn up your speakers and try the sound file again if you don't hear anything.

Wondering how to pronounce Audi? You're not alone! Many of our customers ask us, "Is it pronounced owdee or awdee?" Learn about the Audi name meaning, origin, and proper pronunciation from the team at Audi Hampton. Then, come visit us to browse our selection of new Audi vehicles!

Many Hampton drivers ask us, "Is it pronounced owdee or awdee?" The proper way to pronounce Audi is "ou-dee," with the "ou" being the same as in the word "cloud." Ironically, this actually might seem counterintuitive once you learn about the origin of the word.

You may notice that the way you pronounce Audi isn't the same as how you'd pronounced these other Latin root words. If you did pronounce it the same, you'd say "Aw-dee." This is because although the Audi name meaning comes from Latin, the company is originally German, so the pronunciation fits the original German.

We hope we've sufficiently answered the questions, "How do you pronounce Audi?" and "What does Audi mean?" Simply put, the origin of the Audi name is an interesting story involving a couple different languages! For more background on the Audi name and brand or to find a new Audi vehicle at our dealership in Hampton, contact us for more information.

On Jan. 21, the Kylie Cosmetics founder revealed that her and Travis Scott's baby boy, their second child, is named Aire, more than 10 months after she announced that they had changed his original name, which was Wolf. After Instagram fan page @kyliesnapchat shared the news about the child's new name, with the caption, "Do you think it's pronounced air or airey?" Kylie commented, "AIR" with a red heart emoji. 041b061a72


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